
Sunday School / Discipleship Training
Discipleship is important at Salem. We offer Sunday School (10AM) for all ages, Children's Church & Nursery during the morning worship service and Discipleship Training classes for Adults, Youth & Children at 5PM on Sunday afternoon.
After winning the lost to Christ, teaching them to observe all that God has taught us is our command for discipleship. At Salem, your spiritual growth is important to us!

Senior Adult Ministry
Our Senior Adult Ministry Group (SAMS) enjoys taking trips that are full of food, fun and fellowship. Our group also looks for opportunities to serve in our community.
Salem Baptist Association - Hope Center
Our church partners with other Southern Baptist Churches in our area to support "The Hope Center". The Hope Center helps individuals and families during their time of need. The Salem Baptist Association Hope Center needs volunteers to work half days on Thursdays and Fridays. For more info, call Bro. Paul Fries at 608-475-1629.
WMU/ Women On Mission
Women's Missionary Union- (WMU) Our ladies meet together once a month usually on the third Wednesday night of the month to learn about missions, become involved in missions, and live a missional lifestyle. WMU offers many opportunities to fulfill the six objectives of WMU that are at the heart of missions education.